Credit Risk Sharing

Since 2006 PGGM has been investing in on-balance-sheet securitisations on behalf of PFZW, the Dutch pension fund for the care and healthcare sector. We call these ‘Credit Risk Sharing’ (“CRS”) transactions as this name better reflects their nature and purpose in our portfolio.

As per 31 December 2023, we have a portfolio of 38 risk sharing transactions with a market value of € 7 billion, referencing around € 82 billion of loan portfolios related to a diverse group of economic sectors and credit risks across the world. This illustrates that we are one of the most experienced and largest active investors worldwide in this segment of the securitisation market. 

84 transactions closed since inception

The portfolio consists of 38 transactions as of end 2023

16 risk sharing partners

All market-leading banks

18 billion invested (EUR) since inception

€ 6.6 billion as of end 2023

82 billion loan notional hedged (EUR)

As of end 2023

PGGM and PFZW value CRS as an asset class with a dedicated allocation in the long-term asset mix. Firstly, because CRS offers an attractive risk-return profile and allows for diversification of exposures to credit risk. As such CRS helps providing pensions for our beneficiaries in the long term. Secondly, when structured appropriately, CRS contributes to a more stable financial system. By helping the banking sector to partially reduce their credit risk exposures and share these with investors, systemic risk is reduced and the financial system becomes more sustainable. Thirdly, and essential today, transitioning the economy to achieve the Paris climate goals requires significant investments, part of which will require bank financing for which CRS transactions can be a valuable tool to attract the required capital.
As a long-term investor, we strongly believe in supporting a healthy and long-lasting market for credit risk sharing. To achieve this, CRS transactions must function appropriately for all relevant stakeholders: banks must benefit from a genuine sharing of credit risk and investors must benefit from a well-structured investment with an attractive return and easy-to-understand risk profile. Regulators must benefit from standardised transaction structures that are transparent. Through position papers, conference participations and dialogues with banks and regulators, we actively aim to improve understanding of this relatively unknown and developing asset class, as well as to stimulate healthy transaction standards throughout the market. 

The purpose of this website is to further improve broad understanding and acceptance of CRS by sharing our knowledge and experience. Below we provide a high level overview of what CRS transactions are, and why and how we invest in CRS. We further share more detailed aspects of CRS transactions and how we diligence and structure these to ensure risks are adequately understood and mitigated where possible. 

CRS is an excellent tool for banks to manage their credit exposures and capital needs, while providing an attractive investment opportunity for investors. Here we provide detail on how CRS works. 


We believe CRS provides unique exposure to underlying credit risk originated and monitored by high quality credit institutions. CRS transactions have an attractive risk-return profile with stable cash flows and provide diversification to public market credit exposures.


PGGM is investing in CRS since 2006 on behalf of PFZW. As a pension fund investor, we have a long-term investment horizon which shapes our approach to investing in CRS. Here we highlight our core strategy and philosophy, our views on environmental and social responsibility, and our track record.


CRS is an excellent tool for banks to manage their credit exposures and capital needs, while providing an attractive investment opportunity for investors. Here we provide detail on how CRS works. 


Regulations & Current topic

Regulations 25


Impact of the implementation of Basel III rules on Internal Models

Although already published in December 2017, the final package of Basel III reforms has not yet been fully implemented. There are several aspects of these reforms that affect how bank capital is calculated and therefore Basel III also affects credit risk sharing. 

More on Regulations and Current Topic


Due diligence is one of the cornerstones of the investment process of the PGGM CILI team.

Due Diligence and Data

Structuring a CRS transaction, which consists of determining and negotiating the terms, conditions and structure, is a crucial element driving the risk profile of a transaction.

Transaction Structuring
Risk Alignment

One of the core elements of our investing philosophy is risk alignment between the investor in a CRS transaction and the bank originating the credit risk.

Risk Alignment

Collateralisation of the investment notional is engrained in our mandate. We always ensure that the full notional of our transactions is invested such that we are not exposed to unsecured credit risk of the risk sharing bank.


It is a core belief of PGGM Asset Management that long-term value creation can only be achieved by combining financial return, risk, and sustainability.

Responsible Investment in CRS

Our Approach to CRS


Due diligence is one of the cornerstones of the investment process of the PGGM CILI team.

Due Diligence and Data
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The CRS mandate is managed by the Credit & Insurance Linked Investments (“CILI”) team, part of PGGM’s private markets platform. As per December 2023, the CILI team consists of 28 professionals with a diverse set of backgrounds and skills. The team also manages a mandate to invest in Insurance Linked Investments.

More on the PGGM CILI team


For questions please contact Mascha Canio. 

Mascha Canio 480X480 Pggm (1)

Mascha Canio

Head of Credit & Insurance Linked Investments