Pggm D1 0417

Responsible investment

"As asset managers for pension funds, we support our clients in executing their core task: ensuring a good and sustainable pension for their participants.

Within this core task, we pay particular attention to responsible investment based on the conviction that this can reduce risks and offers opportunities to make a good return with investments that contribute to social and environmental solutions. This is especially true in the long period in which the money of our clients is entrusted to us. We also want to contribute to a liveable, more sustainable world, in which our clients’ participants receive their pensions.

‘Our ambition: to provide for good pensions in a liveable world.’

We use different instruments for implementing responsible investment:

Our positive contribution and measurable impact

As a global investor, we focus on achieving strong financial returns while contributing to a more sustainable and livable world. We increasingly align our portfolio with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and companies working toward net zero by 2050, and expand our tangible impact through dedicated impact investments that deliver measurable benefits for people and the environment.

Our positive contribution and measurable impact

As an investor with a long-term horizon, PGGM holds shares in approximately 2700 listed companies. We actively use our influence as a shareholder to realise improvements in the area of ESG in order to contribute to the quality, sustainability and continuity of companies and markets in this way. We do this based on the vision that this ultimately contributes to a better financial and social and environmental return on the investments for our clients.

Active ownership

PGGM evaluates possible investments in terms of the expected risk-return ratio. ESG factors are also included in this risk analysis. ESG factors can influence financial results directly or indirectly, immediately or in the longer term. For example, property investments can be affected by climate change, such as rising sea levels, increasing risks of flooding or water shortages. Risks can never be entirely eliminated. Where identified risks negatively impact the future expected return, we can decide not to invest or to require a higher expected return. By integrating these risks and opportunities into the investment process, we end up with a better risk-weighted return.

ESG integration

Our positive contribution and measurable impact

As a global investor, we focus on achieving strong financial returns while contributing to a more sustainable and livable world. We increasingly align our portfolio with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and companies working toward net zero by 2050, and expand our tangible impact through dedicated impact investments that deliver measurable benefits for people and the environment.

Our positive contribution and measurable impact
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Voting in the 2024 AGM season

Our engagement in action. Explore some of our most recent and ongoing engagement and collaboration.

Voting in the 2023 AGM season



Transparency: Reports and policy documents

We attach great importance to clear reports and transparency regarding our policy, activities and realised results in the field of responsible investment. Download our reports and policy documents here.


In its sustainable and responsible investment, PGGM is bound by national and international laws and regulations. On March 10, 2021, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) entered into force. PGGM is obliged to provide information about sustainability and its investments based on SFDR.

Do you have any questions?

Then please contact our Responsible Investment department via the e-mail address

Piet Klop 480X480 Pggm

Piet Klop

Head of Responsible Investment