Our application procedure

1. Applied?
After receiving your application, we will go through a number of steps, to see if there is a mutual fit. We will guide you through the steps we take after receiving your application. During the recruitment and selection procedure for new employees, PGGM collects and processes personal data. PGGM considers it important that this is done carefully, confidentially, transparently, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and related laws and regulations. Read this document to see what happens with your personal data.
2. Confirm
You always receive (automatic) confirmation from PGGM after you have applied. So you know that your application has arrived safely.
3. Assess
We aim to respond to you within 5 working days after receiving your application, or within 5 working days after the end of the closing period for applications. We carefully assess your application and give you feedback. Hopefully, we see a match and you are invited for an introduction.
4. Interviews
After a positive assessment of your application, you are invited to an interview. This interview takes place with two PGGM colleagues. Usually this will be the manager, the recruiter and/or an employee from the department with the vacancy. If we and you are both enthusiastic after this first interview, you will be invited to a second interview.
5. Assessment and reference check (optional)
Depending on the position, the application procedure may involve an (online) assessment. Besides the reference check which is performed during the pre-employment screening (see steps below), we may want to know more about how you perform. With your permission, we then contact the referees you have supplied.
6. Offer
When we offer you a job, you will receive an overview of the terms of employment which apply to the position, your background and experience. You will always have a conversation with the recruiter who will explain the offer, usually on the phone, sometimes at the office.
7. Welcome to PGGM
After the positive completion of steps 1 to 5, we congratulate you on your new job! We then arrange everything related to your employment, starting with drafting and sending you your employment contract and doing the pre-employment screening. You will also be given access to the online PGGM environment where you will find more information about your start at PGGM.
8. Pre-employment screening
For all our positions, we perform a statutory integrity check. This involves checking your identity, references and diplomas. We also ask you to provide a Certificate of Conduct, the costs of which will naturally be reimbursed. During the screening, we contact your employers over the past five years.
9. Your first day
On your first day, we welcome you to PGGM and you are received by your manager or one of your colleagues from the team. When you arrive, an access pass (with photo) will be made and you will be given a welcome pack with a map. Various things that you need like a mobile phone and access pass are waiting for you at the service point. You are given an onboarding programme and various introductory meetings are planned. You will also join our Connection Programme, which we use to introduce all new colleagues to PGGM.