Ewout Schoemaker
Junior Investment Manager – teal Listed Real Estate
Why did you choose PGGM?
It was not a very conscious choice: after getting my master's degree in finance, I started looking for a job in the financial sector. A vacancy at PGGM, focused on private equity, attracted my attention, so I applied. I was invited to an interview and it became clear that a traineeship suited me better at that time. That was obviously not why I had come, but it did appeal to me. I considered it an opportunity to see much more of the organisation. In retrospect, I am glad that they pointed me towards the traineeship because now I know exactly where my interests lie.
Where do they lie?
During the traineeship, I came into contact with the real estate branch in PGGM. After the traineeship, I wanted to do more in that field. In fact, I realised that quite soon. It is a world that excites me because there are always new developments. It is influenced by very many factors, which makes my job extremely dynamic. You see a lot of the world, get to know experts and expand your network. That obviously comes in very handy for the rest of your career.
"Acquiring insights by talking to specialists is part of my job. This gives me the information I need and the opportunity to expand my network."
What do you do in your current job?
I work in the Listed Real Estate team as junior investment manager. My colleagues and I explore the best investment opportunities for PGGM. My work area is America. The nice thing about that is that I can go there about 5 times a year. Of course, these are very intensive days, but you get so much in return. The contacts are valuable because you hear first-hand information about developments and get new insights. In my job, I talk quite a lot with experts to get more background information. We also have those experts at PGGM, but I regularly contact specialists from outside our organisation. They may be working in the bigger banks and are responsible for their own asset area. It is helpful to be able to use their expertise if necessary.
You have found your niche at PGGM. How did that happen?
Firstly, because of what I do. You work at the heart of society and at PGGM everyone has an impact on later. It is also nice that PGGM has so many different products. Shares, real estate, public and private deals: everything is there. And if you want, you can learn a lot. Colleagues enjoy explaining how something works and you can learn a great deal from them. The atmosphere is open and accessible, which makes it easy to ask for something. And if you are interested in something, moving into that area is obviously a logical next step. PGGM gives you every opportunity to do that.
Published 20-05-2020