Absence of healthcare personnel decreases for fifth consecutive quarter
For the fifth consecutive quarter, absenteeism among employees in the healthcare sector has decreased.
Solutions to healthcare challenges
We cannot solve the challenges in the sector, but we do have the knowledge, data, experience and capital from our core pension product to develop solutions that demonstrably make an impact on labour market issues. To contribute to a vital society in which care and welfare workers can live, work and enjoy their retirement in good health, PGGM, together with PFZW, is focusing on the following three mutually reinforcing and mutually influencing ambitions:
PGGM&CO ensures a bond with PGGM N.V. and among members, for example by setting up online communities on subjects relevant to members. Together with partners, PGGM&CO also develops additional products and services for its members under the theme Vitaal met Pensioen.
Vernet is a subsidiary of PGGM and market leader in collecting and interpreting absenteeism data in the care and welfare sector. These data, combined with data from Pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn, are offered to employers in the sector. This gives them insight into the employability of employees, allowing them to optimise their own personnel planning. Vernet's services fit in with the ambition of PGGM and Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn to support employers and employees in the healthcare and welfare sector. In the first place with adequate pension provision, but also by deploying expertise in the field of labour market data.