PGGM Investments as a company
As asset manager we invest the pension contributions of several pension fund clients, of which Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) – the pension fund for Dutch healthcare workers – is the largest client. We invest in, among other asset classes, shares, bonds, private equity, infrastructure and property. Our investment teams are primarily responsible for managing these asset classes. In addition to these teams, the Investment Management organization contains Risk Management, Tax, Legal & Regulatory, Operational functions and a Responsible Investments team.
We strive for a high level of quality in our work in order to achieve our and our clients’ ambitions. We are constantly searching for new talents to strengthen our company. Our goal is to excel in the markets in which we operate. That is why the various asset classes are managed by specialised investment teams at PGGM Investments. 463 professionals work at our office in Zeist or from home. They manage over 46% of the assets of our clients. The rest of the assets are managed by leading managers worldwide, selected by and under the direction of our own specialists.
Responsible investment is an integral part of our execution. PGGM Investments is convinced that contributing to a sustainable world is an essential part of building a valuable future – not only to fulfil our wider social responsibility or comply with laws and regulations or other standards, but also to ensure financial results. Although there has been enormous growth in prosperity over the past century, stability and economic development are increasingly threatened by global issues. These include climate change, the scarcity of natural resources such as water and energy, rising food prices and income inequality. This will impact future investment results. Sustainability is therefore key in our activities as a long-term investor.
We consciously take ESG factors into account in our investment activities and we refrain from investing in controversial weapons, tobacco, coal and tar sands. Companies that systematically and seriously violate international standards for responsible behaviour have now been sold, and more are expected to follow in the upcoming years. Furthermore, we contribute to developing international standards for responsible and impactful investments, in co-operation with other investors in the Netherlands and abroad.
By using investments as driving force for change, PGGM Investments believes that a positive contribution to sustainable developments can be made. We consider the impact the companies we invest in for our clients have on people and the environment. In doing so, we join in with the 17 interlinked global goals, that the United Nations formulated in 2015, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDG’) or Global Goals, designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future wordlwide.
In the investment portfolio we focus specifically on SDG 2 (food security), SDG 3 (health), SDG 6 (water security), SDG 7 (affordable and sustainable energy), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible production and consumption) and SDG 13 (climate action). These SDGs are the focus of our largest client, PFZW1.
1 With its strategy, PGGM N.V. contributes to SDGs 1, 2, 3 and 13. Because PGGM Investments’ strategy is mainly aimed at creating value through investments, our focus and, by extension, our impact is broader.

- Stable financial results
- Asset management
- How our clients’ investments contribute to the SDGs
- How we mitigate our negative impact
- Active ownership
- ESG integration
- Optimal risk management of investments
- Dealing with climate risk as financial risk
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Compliance